The Value of Process in Artmaking
Bela Fidel One needs a different mindset when scaling up the size of one’s canvases. First comes the trepidation: “how am I going to fill up this space”? “how does the size affect the dynamics of the composition”? “do I use many smaller shapes with a couple of larger ones or will most of them…
New Year Resolutions
Although I am not great with numbers, I love Physics. Mostly Theoretical Physics. I like to know and understand how the Universe works. I am totally convinced (I may be wrong), that one can understand God’s mind (if humanly possible) or perhaps even find It through Physics. I am also fascinated by Quantum Physics: it…
Follow Your Bliss
The sinuous road to serenity and joy Follow Your Bliss is defined as using the awareness of what causes one to experience rapture as a guide for determining what constitutes authentic and proper living. From here it follows that we also might need a definition of “authentic” living and “proper” living. So, how many of…