The Artful Mind
SELF CONFIDENCE Welcome to another post on the Artful Mind. Our previous edition dealt with the importance on trusting our Intuition and the role it plays in our creative efforts. Today we will talk about a crucial aspect of the artistic journey: Self-Confidence. Whether you’re a painter, writer, musician or any type of Creative, self-confidence…
The importance of Intuition in the creation of authentic work Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the Mindset of an Artist and how it affects his/her life and work. On Youtube one can find countless videos on art techniques: basic ones, complex and original, inventive, etc. As artists we are grateful to have those…
Behind the scenes with the Artist: what makes us tick, what makes us hide VULNERABILITY The first two newsletters talked about Intuition and Self-Confidence, two of the very important elements in our practice as artists. We strive to be confident, trusting in ourselves and relying on our intuition without reservations. Some of us put up…