The Value of Process in Artmaking
Bela Fidel One needs a different mindset when scaling up the size of one’s canvases. First comes the trepidation: “how am I going to fill up this space”? “how does the size affect the dynamics of the composition”? “do I use many smaller shapes with a couple of larger ones or will most of them…
New Year Resolutions
Although I am not great with numbers, I love Physics. Mostly Theoretical Physics. I like to know and understand how the Universe works. I am totally convinced (I may be wrong), that one can understand God’s mind (if humanly possible) or perhaps even find It through Physics. I am also fascinated by Quantum Physics: it…
Follow Your Bliss
The sinuous road to serenity and joy Follow Your Bliss is defined as using the awareness of what causes one to experience rapture as a guide for determining what constitutes authentic and proper living. From here it follows that we also might need a definition of “authentic” living and “proper” living. So, how many of…
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to praise and celebrate”(Oprah) We listen to news on the radio, we watch them on TV. In the best of cases, the weather is miserable in so many parts of the country. In the worst of cases, earthquakes destroy lives by the thousands…
My uncle taught me to read when I was 5 or 6. I never attended kindergarten and at 7 years of age went straight to first grade. At first grade I could read as well as I read now. At age 14 my mother helped me get a library card and the library became my…
A few months ago I took the plunge. Not that I needed more excitement in my life or more challenges to stir any unbearable monotony. I really had enough on my plate, working six to seven hours a day at the studio and tackling domestic chores. But how can one resist the temptation of peeling…
Wabi Sabi: The importance of nicks, scratches and cracks in the creation of a perfectly imperfect vessel
“There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in”(Leonard Cohen) …
The Slings and Arrows of the Creative Process
Since March of last year (PE – Pandemic Era)I have been working on a series of mixed media paintings I have called “Light” since we were then, and still are, in dire need of that. And also because those paintings showed a variation in their colors depending on where they were hung and how the…
“We’re not in Kansas anymore”! Or “The (expected?) adaptability of the human species”
December has rolled in, the holidays are upon us. It’s been nine months that our lives have been tested, tossed about, guinea-pigged. When the lockdown took place, artists started expressing themselves through their particular art. I created a few pieces of “Art in Isolation” myself. In some of…