As many of you know, my studio is in an old, defunct school and when all schools were ordered shut by the Governor, my studio fell into the same net. I was kept away for a month and was able to return last week. So instead of carving out a little space here and there at home, I am now able to have all the space I need to keep creating.
It is interesting to correlate physical space to mental and emotional space. Can one feel mentally and emotionally expanded and “lit” if one’s physicality is hampered? How is my creativity influenced by the physical space I have available? Do I think small or allow myself to fly, regardless?
I can assume that Spirit can soar independently of the body. How much spiritual and emotional freedom I have at this time would unequivocally be tested.
While painting in my garage and making sure my car did not get another coat of paint, I started covering a 38”x33” wood panel with acrylic just so I would not have to start a mixed media painting on a totally clean support. I thought that acrylics would be quick and easy, would dry fast and I could go on using my plasters and compounds over this base.
And there it was, proof that we plan and the gods laugh: as I was layering the paint, something else arose from the chaos (I am not implying that my creativity parallels that of God – order out of the primordial chaos. But can I?). I could see an interesting possibility, a beginning of something unexpected, unplanned. I decided to accept the gift and forge forward in that unexpected direction. This is where mindfulness and being present and attentive pays off. I could have continued with my plan, half blind to what was in front of me. Instead, I said: Wanna dance? I’m in!
The result is the first of what will be a series of at least 5 panels in this size. And here I would like to introduce you to Beyond the Blue, first of The Light Series.
I have chosen this name because the painting looks different depending on how the light hits it. And isn’t this a metaphor for us as well? Do we show our best colors when the Light is hitting us? Do we miss the mark when the shadows envelop us? These are questions, not assertions. I am sure that people react differently to specific circumstances. Some may stay within the light/Light regardless of the gathering shadows; others may temporarily get tinted.
In these confusing and scary times we are living, I am grateful that a series about Light Graced me. In the photo here you may not see all the reflections the painting can produce but I hope you can see some of it peeking here and there.
I leave you with a shout out To Life! To Light! To Art!